We Are Partners
Partners Enterprise Capital (PEC) is an SEC-registered investment adviser. PEC manages Partners Enterprise Capital Holdings (PECH), a private equity vehicle that invests in real estate operating companies in strategic markets in the United States. PECH is a dynamic partnership between PEC, a capital partner, and local operating teams. Together, for over 20 years, these partners have collaborated to own, develop, and operate high quality real estate assets with a long-term investment horizon.

We Are A Team
PEC works in a team-based environment that celebrates openness, intellectual curiosity, and partnership. PEC is a place to learn, a place to develop, and a place to collaborate. PEC’s culture is the foundation of its performance.
We Build Partnerships
The companies built and grown within PECH create value by bringing people and teams with diverse experiences, areas of expertise, and perspectives together to achieve collective objectives—long-term stable operating cashflow and value creation for the benefit of PECH’s partners. Through this three-dimensional partnership model, all partners are better together.

PEC works for the benefit of PECH and its capital partner. PEC always strives to act in the best interests of PECH and do the right things for the right reasons.